Smokin’ Pecan Shell Pellets
A 100% sustainable (and tasty) fuel source for all pellet grills
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Product Reviews
Think you have seen just about every imaginalbe fuel source for grilling and BBQ? We want to introduce you to a brand new pellet that we think could become a major game changer in the pellet market. Smokin’ Pecan is a family based company from Louisana that has been a part of the pecan growing community since the 1950’s and now with a way to turn their biggest by-product (pecan shells) into a fantastic flavor maker.
Being from South Georgia we are no stranger to seeing or using pecan wood as a source of smoke for our grills. The abundance of pecan here in our region is another major factor as to why we use it constantly. In the past we have burnt the pecan hulls during outdoor oyster roasts as the smoke gives the grilled seafood delights an added flavor kick…and they were always free from the local pecan shelling mill. For years these mills have offered the cracked and broken hulls to be used for everything from mulch in flower beds to art pieces in decorations for homes.
Upon first glance you can tell these are not average wood pellets as they have a deep mahogany color from the pecan shells. They are also softer then other pellets as the hulls are not turned to dust before being pressed into pellets. Keeping the hulls into tiny pieces versus turning them into pulp helps them burn hotter and also allows them to emit more smoke. These pellets will even smoke when the grill is running past 300 degrees, which does away with the need for a smoke tube to be used to impart the smoke flavor to food when cooking hot and fast.
Our tests proved these pellets burn hotter than combination wood blend pellets simply because it used less pellets over the period during several normal cooks. The smoke flavor is totally different from anything we have used perviously and doesn’t remind us of normal pecan wood pellets. The smoke is heavier then a hickory or pecan wood but is a long way from being over powering like a mesquite can be. We also found no bitterness in any of our food cooked with these pellets. The samples we cooked using these pellets were chicken breast strips, hamburgers, corn on the cob, and baby back ribs.
We enjoyed our experience using these pellets and would recommend them to anyone with a pellet grill. We also see they sell the cracked hulls by the box as well and we will be using these in our charcoal grills in coming weeks and expecting much of the same results we saw using the pellets. You can learn more about this flavorful grill fuel from their website at
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