The Original Barbecue and Grilling Magazine!

Burgers & Bacon Cookbook

By Carlene Phelps, Editor

The World Food Championships, celebrating over 10 years of competitions, are rewarding cooks and chefs by introducing some of the best recipes in their first Burgers & Bacon Cookbook. If you’re looking to embark on a gastronomic journey with over 250 award-winning recipes meticulously crafted from the competitive realm of the World Food Championships — you’ve found it here.

While there are over 250 of the world’s best burger, sauce, relish, and bun recipes, I enjoyed the extras. Hearing many stories from those featured in this magazine was delightful, and it was good to see more stories and photos showcasing just how exotic this food competition event has become on the world stage. The chef spotlights, competition rules, and burger recipes all made for a great read. After glancing at several of these burger recipes and then heading to the grocery store, a few ingredients found their way into my grocery cart!

Sure, you can look up recipes online — but not these recipes — from the food champions themselves. Who doesn’t want to cook the best burger ever when inviting friends and neighbors over? Even this old Home Economics degree-toting lady likes to try something different, and you can bet your “last pack of ground beef” many of us will be making burgers a little better and thinking outside the grill.

While I was absorbed in all the information in the front and back of the book about talented cooks, chefs, rules, and the easy reference recipe chart, I finally moved on to the bacon recipes. What Southern cook doesn’t want more bacon recipes? Yes, you’ve gotta have this one on the shelf … and it’s sure to be used a lot. It’s available this month wherever fine books are sold. Congratulations, Mike McCloud and crew!


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